Write a research paper based on what you’ve learned thus far, and do some critical thinking.

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Write a research paper based on what you’ve learned thus far, and do some critical thinking. This project should be a fun and creative endeavor for you. Compare and contrast each of the learning theories covered in this course so far. Examine each theory for its strengths and weaknesses. Relate each theory to real life, and come up with a learning theory based on your own arguments about what the best learning theory is, including empirical evidence to back up your points. This could be a combination of one or more established learning theories and original ideas, based on scientific research cited via peer-reviewed journal articles. It could also be a fresh take on learning that doesn’t combine any of the theories you’ve learned, as long as it’s backed up by evidence that hasn’t been formed into a theory yet. Feel free to include diagrams, your own terms, various aspects of the theories, and other elements. Include an Abstract, Literature Review comparing the various theories, a discussion section where you propose your own learning theory with compelling arguments, and a conclusion. Place any diagrams in an appendix section. Include reputable sources from textbooks, peer-reviewed journals, or other reputable sources (no encyclopedias, Wikipedia, blogs, or digital magazine articles), and be sure to reference 15–16 sources.

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