Write a review of your program and course learning objectives and expand upon your individual experiences at your job.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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I’ve never done a capstone essay before, I’ve wrote 3,232 words but I need someone to review and organize my essay according to the Report Structure. It need to be 5000 words, so I also need you to increase the word count by at least 1,768 words. The instructions dictated by the course for the essay are written below:
• To summarize your Co-Op experience, and to demonstrate and evaluate how your classroom learning was applied to your actual work experience
• To document your accomplishments
• To outline how the co-op helped you develop and improve your business communications skills
Report Format
• Length: minimum 5000 words
• “Calibri” or “Times new Roman”, 11 or 12-point size (only)
• Answer all questions – you may type the questions in your report if you wish
Report Structure: 3 Parts
1) Report In your own words: describe the company/organization that you worked for as well as the personal on-site experiences you had. Share details about the company/organization you worked for and specifics about your job.
2) Use proper formatting: paragraphs are a basic writing structure, and you should be able to use them correctly for this essay. No Capstone will pass without showing basic fluency.
3) Reflect (think about your co-op experience): think about valuable learning experiences (both personal and professional) that you had while working. Write a review of your program and course learning objectives and expand upon your individual experiences at your job.
4) Predict: describe what’s next in your own professional development. What are your next steps? How will you continue to develop personally? What skills (both “hard” and “soft”) do you wish to build upon?

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