Write a short essay of about 300 words laid out in three paragraphs.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Reading the Introduction to the Epic of Gilgamesh was due this week. Once you are done with this reading step back for a moment and ponder: which of the various points the author is making in this introduction you found the most helpful in understanding the remote world of this epic, and why? Then draw a list of the most important points that you highlighted and write a short essay discussing them.
Which parts did you highlight?
What are they telling you about the epic you are about to immerse into?
How did they help you gain an insight into the world of Gilgamesh, but also into the world of epic poetry in general?
Think small, you don’t have to list every single topic the author makes! Choose a few central points you isolated and discuss them in your own understanding.
Cite specific quotes from the text to illustrate your points.
Write a short essay of about 300 words laid out in three paragraphs.
Please write everything from scratch! Ty
Just want to make sure this will be completely original with original ideas as one time when I asked the writer completely copied the paper from another website and just paraphrased it. If you have, thank you so much.

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