Write a statement explaining why i failed to maintain an f1 status as an international student in usa.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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I have to write a statement explaining why i failed to maintain an f1 status as an international student in usa.
Reasons are that:
My family got covid mom and dad 2x.
My aunt died from covid .
My grandmother had a stoke but luckily pulled thru.
My father became ill with septicemia, he was in the hospital 3 times and 1 in icu. Luckily the doctors managed to get him better.
I was stressed out with all this , and made it hard to concentrate in class.
To drown all this stess out i worked extra hard at my job to get away from everything.
This actually made it worst and even my managers and boss asked me if everything was ok. As they can see thr stress and hopelessness in me . I lied to them and say everything is ok.
At the end i failed all my classes and finally told my professor and bosses and managers but it was too late for me…
I also went to therapy and they put me on medication.
Talked to my advisor. We created a plan to get me back on track.
I am doing alot better…
Important to add at end
My hope is to complete my degree and go back to south africa.

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