Write an essay comparing and contrasting their origins and growth.

Posted: June 9th, 2022

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This paper is for my American Urban History class. You must use multiple sources from the readings throughout the course with in-text citations. I will give you the login info for my class page, so you have access to all the course material. I have also attached the rubric. 6-8 page (double spaced) essay in response 1.) Choose two U. S. cities from the following list and write an essay comparing and contrasting their origins and growth. Be sure to describe how the city did or did not take part in historical changes (for example: water vs. rail transport, merchants vs. manufacturers, free vs. enslaved labor, immigrant vs. “native” Anglo residents, national vs. international trade.) • Boston • New York • Philadelphia • Chicago • New Orleans • Charleston, SC • St. Louis • San Francisco

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