Write an essay focusing on Apology 38c through the end of the dialogue and Crito 43a

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Prompt: After reading Plato’s Apology Download Apology and Crito (Links to an external site.)and the lectures (2.3A Download 2.3A , 2.3B Download 2.3B , and 2.3C Download 2.3C ), write an essay focusing on Apology 38c through the end of the dialogue and Crito 43a (beginning) through 50a6 in terms of Haidt’s presentation of human nature. Socrates’ speeches and actions in the Apology and Crito illustrate Socrates’ ability to see both sides of the argument and to remain rationally detached. Socrates speaks of his accusers and his friends in the Apology and Crito, are these two teams? Socrates can question himself and give due weight to his opponents’ arguments. Socrates says he will only respond to the stronger argument, How does Socrates himself display Haidt’s liberal and conservative characteristics? Does Socrates belong to a team?

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