Write an Executive Summary (EXSUM) on the assigned Non-Commissioned Officer Common Core Competencies

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Write an Executive Summary on the “Defense Support of Civil Authorities Case Study” through the NCO C3 lens of Operations.
It has to be in passive voice
references have to have a www. website
Has to be at least 3 references
Write an Executive Summary (EXSUM) on the assigned Non-Commissioned Officer Common Core Competencies (NCOCCC) of Operations while balancing it against, ” Defense Support of Civil Authorities Case Study Case Study” throughout your EXSUM. Your task is to complete your weekly required lessons and readings, then analyze the assigned case study, and NCOCCC. Your EXSUM must possess critical thinking, reasoning, a shared focus and approach to both the historical case study, and the assigned NCOCCC. Your EXSUM must possess additional (In addition to the Case Study) scholastic research and references to support your findings. You must possess at least two citations/references (besides the assigned Case Study) that are scholastic in nature. The goal of the EXSUM is to provide you a tool to utilize throughout your career when breaking down and summarizing major events. The case studies will allow you to see how the actors represented and/or embodied these NCOCCCs. Learner late submissions will result in the subtraction of five points per day. Utilize the Anaconda Example document as your template.

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