Write down three (3) specific things you learned up to this point in the course.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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For the 3-2-1 journal responses, students will review their comprehension of the material covered during the week and ask a question.
If your preferred name is different from what appears alongside Blackboard posts, please include it at the bottom of every post in discussion forums to ensure that we will be able to refer to you with your preferred name. The same goes for pronouns, but only if you feel comfortable enough to share them.
Write down three (3) specific things you learned up to this point in the course. Be as specific as possible. Clear writing is specific writing.
Write down two (2) specific things you found interesting and would like to know more about.
Write down one question that you have about the information covered up to this week. Ask a question that is open-ended. Do not ask a question that can only be answered by the instructor. The point of the assignment is for students to help each other.
Answer two students’ questions. Provide links/citations for any information that is not your own idea.
The responses do not have to be in complete sentences, nor do they need to be in a paragraph structure, but they need to be comprehensible to others. Points will be deducted for vague or broad answers. Be as specific as possible in your answers. For instance, statements like “I learned about…” or “I learned how to…” are unacceptable. Instead, write down a specific aspect of what you learned: “I learned that parenthetical citations for MLA require the author’s last name and the page number.”
Note: Please read the journal through the link below.

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