Write up a two page summary (minimum) of the material in the book related to your topic.

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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1. Read up on the topic in the book 2. Go to YouTube and research applicable videos on your topic. 3. Select 2 appropriate and applicable YouTube Videos that you feel would tie in well to the course material. By applicable, I mean one that could be used as part of a class that would readily explain and illustrate your concept. Each video should be no shorter than 3 or so minutes and no longer than 10 – 15 minutes (I am allowing you with discretion here, especially on the high end). Part I – Write up a two page summary (minimum) of the material in the book related to your topic. Formatting instructions should parallel that of reaction papers. If you cannot come up with two full pages from the book content, you may pull in outside sources to supplement the text. Just make sure you site it as a reference! Part 2 – Write up a good summary paragraph of each of the two videos. Make sure you include how much time the video takes up (should be no more than around 10 – 15 minutes, ideally). Make sure you include a hyperlink to each video. Your summary paragraph should briefly state what the video is about and why you think it is so good/applicable to the topic you have selected. A good summary paragraph should be in the neighborhood of ¾ – 1 full page. Times-New Roman, 12-pitch font with one-inch margins Single space within the lines of a paragraph, double space between each paragraph Articles should come from a mainstream periodical. Note: Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source

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