You are expected to write a two-to-three-page (double space, Times New Roman) reaction paper.

Posted: June 9th, 2022

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You are expected to write a two-to-three-page (double space, Times New Roman) reaction paper. In the paper, you should include: 1. Summarize the purpose(s) of Reaction Article One . 2. Use a few sentences to summarize the research questions or hypotheses the author(s) have proposed. 3. What method(s) did the author use? Survey? Experiment? Interviewing? 4. What are the major findings of the article? 5. Do you have any personal experiences that might be related to what was studied in the article? Were any of the findings from the article surprising to you? If you are a researcher on the same topic, what questions would you ask differently? If other words, are there any questions you want to know, but were not asked in the article? 6. Any thoughts, feedback, or comments on the topic discussed in the article. Please proofread your paper for any typos or grammar errors before you submit it online.

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