You are required to write a public finance research paper on your chosen topic.

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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General instruction of the research:
You are required to write a public finance research paper on your
chosen topic. Your topic must address an aspect of the federal government that you believe is a financial problem for taxpayers.
For now, you are to write a 1 page proposal. The second page is just to fill out the thesis exercise attached.
Paper Proposal, Thesis Exercise and Research Questions: Prior to writing your research paper, you must submit a 1 page paper proposal (double spaced) describing your selected paper topic along with the appropriate subheadings to be included in your project. You are also required to complete a thesis exercise that will help to build a proper thesis and develop the research questions for your paper.
These are the subheadings.
. Your paper must also have the following sections:
• Introduction/Background
• Analysis of the Issue
• Alternative Points of Views
• Your Own Point of View
• Conclusion

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