You are to write a 3-4 page report based on the requirements below.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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You are to write a 3-4 page report based on the requirements below.
1. Go to the – Hospital Compare website.  View the video to see how to navigate the site.
2. Select two hospitals from the same general area – one with an overall high score (4 or 5) and one with an overall low score (1 or 2).
3. In what areas do the differences occur?
4. If you were the administrator at the low performing hospital, what are the top three strategies you would put in place to improve your scores – keeping in mind that lower scores will reduce your overall reimbursement?
5. Assume you are the administrator at the low performing hospital. Based on your findings, develop two enterprise wide Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your facility. For each KPI, develop an operational plan for implementation to include:
         a. The departments involved in achieving the KPI
         b. The plan that each department has to help achieve the enterprise KPI
         c. The measures to be monitored by the various departments
         d. The metric used to measure performance by each of the departments
         e. The target outcomes for the KPI measures
          f. How often the results of the KPI will be reported and to whom they will be reported
6. Provide sources (more than one) for your information. Utilize APA formatting and include in-text citations where appropriate.

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