You will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge of motivation and emotion to a fictional character

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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For this Midterm assignment you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge of motivation and emotion to a fictional character (if you have a real-life person you consider to be a hero, you can use them as well). The character can be from a book, TV show, movie, a music artist (or lyrics). Make sure you select a character where the concepts of motivation will be easy to see.
For the assignment:
Include a brief introduction to the character.
Then apply the concepts of motivation and emotion to the character (perspectives, needs, etc.) illustrating how motivation worked in their life
Keep in mind that I am more interested in your application of the theories than in the character.
The assignment should be 2 pages and should emphasize material from the class, not the character. For example, page one would be the background information that explains possible etiology. Pages two would include the application of theories from motivation. The assignment should be your unique work and supported with references. Avoid using quotes, it is more appropriate to summarize and cite information. The paper should follow APA guidelines.

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