You will need to locate a peer reviewed research article that utilized a quantitative research design

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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In the Unit 5 Discussion Assignment, you will need to locate a peer reviewed research article that utilized a quantitative research design on the research topic your group has selected ( suicide in teens 13-18. You may use one of the articles from your Annotated Bibliography assignment from Module 2. Be sure to use an article that has not already been posted in the discussion thread. The article must be within the last five (5) years, be a primary research article, and must come from a peer reviewed journal. Use the Research Methods Critique Form Download Research Methods Critique Formas a tool to help you develop a response that includes the following: APA Reference of Article Type of Research (Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods) Method of Research (e.g., quasi-experimental, correlational, phenomenological, etc.) Statement of Problem Purpose Statement Research Question(s) Hypotheses (only for quantitative portions of research) Sample size and description (paragraph) Strengths of methodology (paragraph) Weaknesses of methodology (paragraph) Also, identify what statistical methods the author(s) used to analyze the quantitative data. Be sure to not use meta-analyses or literature reviews as your article for this assignment.

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