You will prepare original case study presentation.

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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You will prepare original case study presentation. A brief written summary will also be required with your submission.
Find a company or an organization within the community or on campus that needs help with a leadership issue based on communication. You will then interview the parties involved to get a clear understanding of the issues. You will then develop a plan to implement changes for the betterment of the company or organization based on course material. The project should include:
-A brief descriiption of the issue, situation, or problem outlined in the case;
-A discussion of the leadership and communication ramifications of the issue, situation or problem under investigation;
-A discussion of possible resolution strategies and a proposed solution including a detailed rationale and implementation plan (when appropriate).
You are expected to demonstrate oral communication competence. This means that you should not read from notes for extended periods of time. A brief written summary of the case is due when you present.
This document should be 2-3 typed pages, double-spaced.
Your presentation should include:
-A brief descriiption of the organizational problem;
-Leadership and communication ramifications;
-Resolution strategies/proposed solution;
Use of material learned in class (i.e. the type of leadership style the leader employs;
-Bibliography of any sources cited (including interviews);
-Visual aids are recommended.

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