You will submit two speaker papers this semester.

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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You will submit two speaker papers this semester. You are expected to write your papers on two of the speakers introduced in the class. If you would like to propose a different speaker, you must email the instructor to ask permission by the end of Week 4. The speaker papers must be a reflection based on the lessons you’ve learned from the speaker. Do not simply summarize what the entrepreneur said, but reflect on how you will personally change (or not change) your perspective, beliefs, or actions, in response to the presentation. Papers must be backed by evidence — from your life and from other examples you add. Papers without personal reflection will automatically earn a score of 0. You are required to respond thoughtfully to at least 3 classmates’ posts. Speaker paper requirements: 2-page minimum, single spaced, with Times New Roman size 12 Graded based on professionalism and college-level writing ability Your name, date of submission, and presenter’s name and info at the top of the paper. SOURCES:

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