You will use the public corporation that you selected and posted in the Week 1 Discussion 2.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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You will use the public corporation that you selected and posted in the Week 1 Discussion 2. Use the Cover Page template found in the Getting Started area to assure that your report in good APA style.
While the completed paper will be at least 12 pages), this first part will only be a few pages (not counting the cover page, abstract or reference list). Refer to Week 7 for a complete list of requirements for this paper.
Cover Page
The title of your paper goes on the Cover Page. The title is not the week 2 assignment. The title be something like the following: Current performance and costs management techniques of PUT the name of your corporation here
Your Abstract will only have a few sentences.
Page one of the paper begins after the abstract and before the reference list
Analyze the last most recent three years of your corporation’s net income compared to industry averages. Include a brief summary of the history (including ethical concerns and the impact of ethical concerns on management) of your corporation
Reference List
You must have at least two reference list items (e.g., web page from the corporation’s website that you used and the corporation’s most recent annual report). Most corporations have a web page entitled “About.” This is where you will find information to summarize to present a paragraph about the corporation’s history and the industry in which it operates. You will have another paragraph where you report the net income for the last three years that you find in the most recent annual report. Include the specific page number or numbers in the annual report where you found this information. Every item in a reference list must be cited in the writing. Every number (e.g., dates and monetary amounts) must have an in-text citation to the source of the information.
Part 1 must be in APA format. You are encouraged (but not required) to use the Keiser University Writing Center. If you submit this assignment to the Writing Center before midnight on Sunday, then you can submit your revised work without a late penalty. The revised work must be submitted within 2 days of getting feedback from the Writing Center.

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