You will write a paper based off a selected topic within the field of databases.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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You will write a paper based off a selected topic within the field of databases. Your Research Paper will be submitted in 3 parts: Topic Approval, References Page and Sentence Outline, and Final Draft.
Reference Page:
1. Submit the references you have compiled from your research (minimum of 10) in a Word document.
2. Note that most websites, blogs, and sites like Wikipedia are not considered valid scholarly peer reviewed references. We are looking for journal articles. In your paper, be sure to cite everything you get from another source (i.e. direct quotations, charts, pictures, or summaries of someone else’s ideas). Also, be sure to include all of the materials that you have consulted in writing your paper, even if you did not cite them in the body of your paper. The course textbook can count as an additional reference. In addition to the latter references, you need to meet the outlined minimum for scholarly references. When in doubt, go above and beyond as minimums will not necessarily equate to quality and high evaluation marks.
3. Use current APA format in the construction of your entire paper including margins, spacing, and your references page.
Sentence Outline:
1. In the same Word document, but on separate pages, include an outline of your research paper. Include as much detail as possible without writing complete paragraphs. (This will help you as you construct your final version.)
2. A cover sheet is required (current APA format). The outline format will be as follows:
1. item 1
1.1. sub-item
1.1.1. sub-item
2. item 2
3. etc.

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