Your final assignment for this course is a 9-10 pages formal analytical report.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Formal analytical report:
Keep in mind this is analytical report which is not the exactly same as research paper. I highly recommended read chapter 21 before starting this paper. Your report should follow the format outlined in Chapter 21 of your textbook, and it should include all the parts listed on pgs. 537 of your textbook.
Your final assignment for this course is a 9-10 pages formal analytical report. Keep in mind that 9-10 pages including graphic, graphs, charts, etc…not just words. So, your paper in writing would be about 5-7 pages including graphic, analytical graphs and such would make about 9 pages paper. Title page and table of contents, work cited page, and such does NOT count toward 9-10 page counts. Which you research a technical or scientific problem or situation related to your field of study and suggest a solution or desired outcome to a specific decision maker with a semi-technical background.
Topic and Audience Choice:
Your topic should be carefully chosen and must be aimed at fulfilling a specific purpose for a defined audience who would likely read a technical report. The report must involve technical discourse in your field and must be based on research using web and library resources.
For example, if your field is nursing, you might do a report that investigates some emerging technology or area of nursing practice and write a report in which you recommend a course of action or change of practice to a hospital administrator. For example, a nursing student could write a report to hospital administrators on how nursing staff could implement therapeutic hypothermia for patients after cardiac arrest in intensive care units. Likewise, if you are in Information Technology, you could write a report to a CIO or IT manager that investigates how to implement some new technology or how to choose a technology with the greatest benefits or lowest costs. For example, what technologies are available for moving an entire company’s data and computing resources to a cloud-based system, and what choices are most feasible or beneficial for a specific company? What kinds of antivirus should a small business firm purchase or adopt and why? Are open source antivirus software programs a viable alternative?
Other actual student examples include:
A student in Criminal Justice researched emerging Geographical Information System technologies and made recommendations for local law enforcement agencies about what technologies are viable and how they could be used to track crimes.
A nursing student researched the mental health needs of patients with spinal compression injuries and made recommendations for new mental health assistance programs to a non-profit organization devoted to assisting people with spinal injuries.
Reports with a specific audience in mind tend to be better researched and written because the writer can show how they are adapting their research and recommendations for a specific audience. As you work on the project, think carefully about who a real audience for a report on your topic might be. Also, consider the range of audiences that might be useful to direct a report to. That might include businesses or companies related to your field of study, but also consider governmental organizations, professional organizations, as well as non-profits.
Your report should follow the format outlined in Chapter 21 of your textbook, and it should include all the parts listed on pgs. 537 of your textbook.
References to sources should be cited in MLA, APA, or Chicago, as appropriate to your discipline. Sources, whether directly quoted, summarized, or paraphrased, must be cited in the text through parentheticals or footnotes, as well as in your works cited page.
Your report should contain at least one visual you composed yourself (whether an actual image, diagram, or data visualization). If your image uses data from a source, you should list the data source under the image. Your report may contain visuals from other sources as well; however, you must clearly cite below your image the source of the image. To make it easier for your instructor to tell the difference between images you composed yourself with data from a source versus an image you borrowed from a source, please distinguish between image source and data source in your citation below each image.
A good report will:
Follow the guidelines and format on report writing (see Ch. 21)
Use effective organization and document design
Use sources effectively to develop and support your position (at least one must be a scholarly peer-reviewed source)
Cite sources correctly according to APA or MLA style in the text and in a references page
Use stylistically effective and grammatically correct technical writing style
Use at least one visual composed by you, effectively to support your argument

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